Vom 15.2. bis 17.2.2019 ist unser Dojo Standort für einen besonderen Lehrgang.Dan Borg, Göteborg, Schweden / Oleg Yakimov St. Petersburg, Rußland / Rudolf Preuss, Dortmund , alle 6. Dan Shidoin unterrichten gemeinsam und bringen ihre lanjährigen und vielfältigen Erfahrungen ein.
Anmeldung bitte bis zum 5.2. 2019
Dan Borg started training aikido at Gothenburg Aikido Club and became student of Ulf Evenås Shihan in 1980. He went to Shibu Dojo in Iwama to study as an uchi-deshi directly under Morihiro Saito Shihan in 1991. He has received the fourth mokuroku, second ighest instructor degree in the Morihiro Saito bukiwaza system. Dan-sensei started teaching at Gothenburg Aikido Club in 1990 and is currently the assistant head instructor under Ulf Evenås Shihan. He is the chairman of the club.
Oleg-Yakimov started Takemusu Aikido in St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in 1989. He became a student of Ulf Evenås Shihan in 1992, and invited Ulf to Russia first time in 1993, followed by about 80 more invitations. He has been an uchi-deshi in Gothenburg under Ulf Evenås Shihan many times and participated in numerous seminars. Oleg has also participated in several seminars with Morihiro Saito Shihan and been an uchi-deshi in Iwama twice. He is currently teaching in his own club in St. Petersburg, and frequently teaches seminars all over Russia, Georgia, and Belorussia. Oleg is the co-founder and President of Takemusu Aikido Russia, and he is also a member of the Board of Directors of the “Russian National Aikido Board” (RNAB).
Rudolf Preuss has practiced Aikido more than 30 years, is a 6 dan Aikikai Shidoin and also holds the second mokuroku in Bukiwaza from Morihiro Saito Shihan. He visted the most of Saito Senseis Seminars in Europe, was a student from Marc and Ute van Meerendonk and follows Ulf Evenås Shihan. In Germany. He has been organizing seminars with Ulf Evenås Shihan over decades. In 1995 he founded Takemusu Aikido Dortmund . He is the president of Takemusu Aikido Association Germany and teaches seminars all over Germany.